Admission Process
General ConditionsI. A student seeking admission to any class in a ‘School’ will be eligible for admission to that Class only if he : (i) has been studying in a School recognised by or affiliated to this Board or any other recognised Board of Secondary Education in India; (ii) has passed qualifying or equivalent qualifying examination making him eligible for admission to that Class; (iii) satisfies the requirements of age limits (minimum and maximum) as determined by the State/U. T. Government and applicable to the place where the School is located; (iv) Produces: (a) The School Leaving Certificate/Transfer Certificate signed by the Head of the Institution last attended and countersigned if required as provided elsewhere, in these Byelaws; (b) Document(s) in support of his having passed the qualifying or equivalent qualifying examination; and *(c) Date of Birth Certificate issued by the Registrar of Birth and Deaths, where-ever existing, as proof of date of birth.Admission ProcedureDocuments Required
Admission Incharge of Our School
If you have any doubts related to the admission procedure you are requested to contact the ‘Admission Incharges’ of our school. We promise to answer all your questions with a smiling face.